Sunday, May 10, 2009

Facebook Freedom

Facebook recently vowed to uphold freedom of speech by allowing groups denying the Holocaust to exist (except for in cities where that denial is considered a criminal offense). Is Facebook too lenient? Should there be limitations? This story reminded me of Sam's last report on online bullying - how much is too much online? It's an interesting read.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

White House Tweet

The White House has officially linked itself to the major social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter and MySpace! Read more about how this availability is allowing more citizens to voice their opinions and commentary about the president.

Monday, May 4, 2009

These Days, High-Tech Options Can Short-Circuit a Romance.

Can a texter love a Twitterer? Can star-crossed lovers overcome wire-crossed gadgets? Can these relationships be saved?


Each form of communication has its own followers and rules, which means dating today is a law of inverse proportions: As ways to communicate increase, the chances you will date someone who speaks your technological language decrease.

Very interesting article on today's Washington Post about how technology affects romantic relationships.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

'Wolverine' Piracy

This article from CNN discuses the recently leaked movie 'Wolverine,' and how millions of people have already downloaded it. In this tough economy, people seem to be more apt to download illegally.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Eerie early 20th century "versions" of social networks, i.e. Facebook!

Check out this eerie piece from the NYT today, that has a company uncovering early 1900s articles that seem to talk of early versions of Facebook, Twitter, and other similar social networking techniques--way before we ever got onto FB, MySpace and the like.