Friday, January 30, 2009

Phones, and TVs and Computers... Oh my!

This chapter of the book served as a great introduction, an overview of the roots of technology and a glimpse into its future.

For many of our generation, the babies of the 80’s, the idea of being away from communication for more than the duration of a plane ride is a whimsical idea.

In the Trendspotter’s Guide to New Communications I became shocked by the reality of many of the predictions: daily we see improved connections, increased mobility, the inversion of home and office, loss of privacy and rebirth of cities (I see this in Houston!)… just to name a few.

I continued reading in 1-2 and stumbled upon a particularly interesting part saying “ because technology defines the limits on what a society can do, technological innovation might be expected to be a major impetus to social change…” (13). I see the ramifications of this in our changing and developing techo-world today. Our society is able to peace talk over nations, have families communicate clearly and doctors can discuss medical strategies at the moment advice is needed.

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