Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Watching its evolution, we can catch a glimpse of what lies ahead."

Roots of Revolution provides a nice foundation for our class and the impact technology has made on society. I read it with wide eyes and great understanding, but there was one line that really stuck with me, "watching its evolution, we can catch a glimpse of what lies ahead." To me, this last sentence completely encompasses the role of the Internet in our lives.

When you think about it, the Internet has been a guiding light into the future. Its progression matches the advancements in our lifestyles. Throughout the years we have come to know more conveniences, and spend less time enjoying one activity at a time. We have transformed into multitasking, "computer chip" oriented people with faster and faster calculations per second.

This relates back to the previous three articles. With faster Internet connections approaching, we are less likely to keep our concentration to one mode of communication. It is rare to find someone completing one task at a time from start to finish without the interruption of another technology.

My fear is that as the Internet becomes more faceted, humans will overload themselves. The revolution continues and will for some time. I just don't want people to lose touch with "real" communication, and get lost in the computer screen.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that people in the U.S. are experiencing the most profound impact of the Internet in daily lives. Not always so in other places.
