I just have to say that I almost 100 percent agree with the "Overloaded" article from the CJR. In my very first journalism class at UT, we talked a lot about the 24/7 newscycle; how it is nearly impossible to avoid getting some sort of news thrown at you if you are online or have the television on.
I think, like most of the topics we have discussed so far, this endless barrage of information is like a double-edged sword. I am thankful that at almost any given time I can find out the most important information regarding the happenings of the world. I personally rely a lot on my homepage, which happens to be My Yahoo! The firs thing I see is the top four news stories at that time. But I obviously am relying on Yahoo to decide for me which ones are the most important. If I wanted to "go deeper" as the article suggests we young people often don't do, I easily could go to CNN, MSNBC, or the AP to see if they are covering the same stories, or if there are other more important stories I need to see.
However, sometimes I do think there is too much coming at me at once. The ticker, for one, really gets me. Every morning I watch the first hour of Good Morning America before I leave for class. At 7 o' clock, the first thing they do is tell us of the biggest news story of the morning. The two lead anchors then toss it to another anchor for "the morning's other news stories." While all of this is going on, there is also a ticker crawling along the bottom of the screen spelling out for me exactly what the anchors are telling me/have told me/are about to tell me. And in that sense, it's too much at once and I could do without it.
Rarely ever do I think to myself, "Man, there is too much information coming at me." I think our generation has become so used to it that I hardly ever notice it. But, because of this 24/7/365 exposure to news coming from all directions, I do think, "Where is there to go from here?"
Do you happen to know the #1 online news source is ___?