Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Procrastination vs. Muti tasking

I find that my attention span is increasingly becoming an issue. When I am on the phone with friends I often begin babbling like a lunatic or just loose track of what I am saying. This is especially an issue whenever I am trying to do more than one thing at a time. Sometimes my boyfriend even teases me for not being the best multi tasker. I admit that at times it takes me a little more time to complete something versus someone who can do a million things at once. However this article makes me think about that. I wonder how much the average person who always multi tasks gets done, how many assignments and pieces of information get completed. Furthermore, it would be interesting to know how many people can complete a piece of work and actually be proud of it, or remember what they did. I am not a multi tasker in essence, but I am definitely a procrastinator. I will wait until the last minuet to do anything. No matter how hard I try to change it, it is who I am. However in waiting until the last minuet to do something like a project or paper, I find that I am much more enthralled vs. if I tried to do it early on. Sometimes I think on my feet a little better, with a little extra pressure. Sometimes it’s when I am on that deadline that something great is born. I find that I focus much better. Maybe it sounds like I am trying to defend being a procrastinator, but in my opinion I am just someone who enjoys a little more focus and fewer distractions.

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