Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wait, was that the phone?

The first article makes me think of a movie I saw recently, "He's just not that into you," where there's a scene with her sitting by the phone very anxiously, only to find out her phone has been unplugged.

I think it's true that "the less interested partner... is more often able to set the terms of the relationship...because the involved person is eager to maintain the relationship and will defer more easily to the partner's wishes." In most of the situations, the phone was a bigger deal in the beginning than in the end for various reasons. However, I think that our phones have become such an extension of us, that we usually talk while doing other things and it's probably not the best idea to base anything on the chemistry perceived from telephone conversations. Frankly, they might be a little preoccupied, and I would hesitate calling this selfish because I think it's a habit to multitask while using the phone. I think it's key that "not all of the women trusted the accuracy of their interpretations." When combining all of a woman's insecurities with the possibility of the man being busy, having not cell phone service, having left his phone behind, or maybe being a little insecure about calling, a lot of unnecessary heartache or drama is caused.

Sure confidence can be found when on the phone because the other person can't see you fidgeting, but I think it shows confidence when a girl can take the initiative and call a guy just like she would call up a friend without even thinking about it, and therefore talk more easily and maybe take some of the pressure off. However, I think when the girl calls it should be casual, and not in a pursuing kind of way. After reading some other articles, I think the guys want to do the pursuing, but sometimes the female can take matters into her own hands to make sure the idea has entered him mind and he knows she's available.

Phones have totally been twisted from a convenient conversation tool, to a tool used to create a whole new real of dating and is maybe analyzed [probably mostly by females] a little too far.

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