When reading the articles about Firefox, Netscape, IE, and Chrome, I thought back to when I had used two of these in the past, how I use one now, and how I have never used one of them. And I thought how great it is that the browser that has the most monopoly can be inspired to change and become better because of the others.
I use Mozilla Firefox now, and I love it. It has a lot of user-friendly features, and like the article pointed out, I love the multiple tabs feature. It has updates very frequently, which I also appreciate.
I think the idea of open source, sharing, free code, etc. is a great one. If there can be forums where anyone can add to, improve, or change the browsers, then why not? I don't appreciate big companies having a monopoly (Internet Explorer) and not really improving on their system. That's why good browsers like Firefox exist. Because they allow people to work together to make adjustments for the betterment of the users. And that's really what's important, right?
"They allow people to work together to make adjustments for the betterment of the users." Yes, I think this is what defines open source and what distinguishes old and new media (hopefully).