Sunday, March 8, 2009

firefox does not work well in Korea

Several months ago, I had this little debate with my sister about firefox vs. Internet Explorer. My loyalty lies with Internet Explorer while my sister had just started using firefox. I have been using the Explorer since I was a child. So I guess I got attached to this browser even though it didn’t offer any memorable features. I had to use firefox whenever I used a Mac for lab purpose, but the interface was confusing because I have completely adopted my browsing habit to Internet Explorer.

My sister’s argument was that firefox has more convenient interface and has fewer errors. She said with confidence that once I get familiar with the browser, I would surely love firefox. Of course, I didn't listen. I just kept using Internet Explorer.

Few days later, my sister told me she went back to using Internet Explorer. I asked why. It was because of Korean Web sites. She could not surf most of Korean Web sites properly with firefox. Considering that very very few Koreans use firefox, some Korean Web sites malfunction when people access the Web site with firefox. For example, when she clicked buttons on several Web sites, it did nothing on firefox whereas it directs users to certain link in Internet Explorer.

Perhaps, this is why so few Koreans are using firefox. I don’t think firefox will ever catch up to Internet Explorer in Korea. Also, percentage of Mac users compared to PC users in Korea is very lower than the percentage in the United States. This could be why firefox hasn’t reached a level of getting attention in Korea.


  1. I see the same issue among Internet users in Taiwan.

  2. Thanks for Sharing the installation procedure with so easy steps...good description!!!

    To get Firefox not Working,Please visit the link.

    Lacy Brown
