Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Own "Incredible Shrinking Attention Span"

As I sit writing this blog, I am surrounded by way too much technology. My concentration is all over the place. One of my roommates is straightening her hair, "Something About Mary" is on TV, my phone is signaling a text message, and I am on Facebook. Now how in the world am I supposed to concentrate when all of that is going on? I basically don't. I believe this is why it takes me two times if not three times as long to finish a specific task. Yes, it is true in my mind that women can multitask and men really can't, but I think I am succumbing to "The Incredible Shrinking Attention Span," as each day goes by.

I fit into a lot of the categories described in the article. I think it helped me understand where I sometimes get my road rage from. Now, I am not proud of this side of me that appears when I am either frustrated with bicyclists or people who drive too slow. I think people, including myself, should not be in such a rush all of the time. We need to take it slow and enjoy what we are doing for what it actually is.

With that being said, technology is constantly in the fast lane. It is hard to avoid it and most of the time inevitable. But, I believe that if we try our hardest to concentrate on a specific task at hand attention spans will grow.

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